Tag Archives: history


18 Feb

Hey guys.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Let me introduce my blog history and what had inspires me to try blogging.

I’ve always wanted to have a blog. It is for me as a platform to share my thoughts, my daily routines, my ideas and my interests with all. Previously I have about 3, 4 blogs that I’ve created and long before I start off with this one. Hope this one will last longer and please pray that my blogging mode will last forever =). The blog name actually appear in my mind on the second I sign up with WordPress. And for me, it happens to be so cute. As cute as the author I guess. hee hee. There are few blogs that inspires me. It comes from my reading and bloghopping from lifestyle blog, academics blog and not to forget  those blogshops 😀

So, the pic below is me while enjoying the scenery and morning breeze in one of the beach in Terengganu (Sorry I forgot the name). The pic was taken on March last year. I’m looking so sopan right.. wearing Hindustan skirt and so-like “layan perasaan”..

Ok, thats all for introduction. Though I still want to write more, but see you in the next post. Till we meet again, xoxo -Nurul

Sunny Sleevez

Sun Protection & Green Info


the ups and downs throughout the journey of my life

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